ASN.1 Compiler

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Frequently asked questions about ASN.1:
  • What output language does the ASN.1 compiler generate?
    The ASN.1 compiler is available for C and Java.
  • Is cross development (development for a target system of another architecture) possible with the ASN.1 compiler?
    Cross development is supported.
  • Is a C++ version of the ASN.1 compiler available?
    C++ is currently not supported (only C and Java), but the C output can be used in C++, too.
  • What operating systems are supported for the compiler/for the runtime library?
    The compiler and runtime library are available for many 32 bit operating systems (including Microsoft Windows, Sun Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, SGI IRIX), but it is highly portable so it can be ported to nearly any 32 bit system (if an ANSI/ISO-C compiler is available).
  • What encoding rules are supported?
    All the basic encoding rules (BER, CER and DER) and the packed encoding rules (PER) are supported.
  • Are macros/information objects/parameterization supported?
  • Is ROSE (remote operations) supported?
    Yes, both the macro version of the OPERATION macros and the OPERATION information object class are supported.
  • Can I use this ASN.1 compiler for generating encoding function for the MAP (mobile application port)/ T.12x/H.323/H.450/Q.931 protocol?
    For sure!
  • Do I have to pay any license fees for the distribution of the generated code or the runtime library, when I develop an application which depends on them?
    This depends on your license type:
    • Commercial license: If you bought a commercial license, you don't have to pay any further license fees, the distribution of the generated code and runtime library (as binary integral part of a product) is covered by the commercial license.
    • University license: This license type is for education and research only, you may not distribute any generated code or the runtime library.
    • Evaluation license: This license type is for evaluation purposes only, you may not distribute any generated code or the runtime library.
  • Is the source code available?
    Source code is available for an additional license fee.
  • How can I obtain an evaluation version and how much does it cost?
    You have to send me your company name, the desired operating system for the compiler and runtime library, your IP address and subnet mask (for the license check). and the desired target language (C or Java). The evaluation version is for free.

Any questions missing? Please send them to!